FIMELAHOOD goes to PARIS in 2012 is another successful event to educate Indonesian Women for seeing the latest update on of the must seen fashion week in the world. Our first project we are collaborate with XL and SONY Indonesia as sponsor and we bring 3 leading fashion & beauty bloggers in Indonesia as our team. This project based on online competition, which is we have more than 2000 girls who joined the competition and after long step by step challenge, process and judging, at the end we choose 1 winner to join with us to Coverage Paris Fashion Week.
It's one of Jakarta biggest fashion event - takes the form of the massive indoor party featuring fashion show, live music, entertainment, special guest, real time, shopping and more. The event it self takes more than 6 months, roadshow to 30 High school and reach about 4000 thousand teenager in Jakarta & Surabaya to join and attending this competition. Our mission is looking for a talented young person in modeling, music, video and dance competition. Every winner has a big prize also will be featured in our website and they can used it as one of their achievement or portfolio. To see the hypes of this event, you can click the link below:
Here's the fun and hilarious coverage for kids fashion arcade.
We collaborate with P&G to commemorates Mother's Day by making online competition. Our mission is to invite every peoples to appreciate their mom by making a poem or a short give thanks sentence for their mom and uploaded to our special website, so everybody can read it. The best writing poem will be win a prize trip to BALI for 3 days with their mother.
As we know in Indonesia, most of the career women they used car everyday to go to work and daily activities. With the aim to educate women to be more beautiful not just by the appearance but also inside their beauty mind and soul. FORD collaborate with FIMELA.com to appreciate women by the spend a day for grooming from head to toe, shopping, financial workshop, beauty treatment, a romantic dinner and also our aim is to present and acknowlegde all the women about the new, comfy, and stylish car for women in daily activities.