I bring backpack and my mate bring luggage when we were in China |
1. ALERT with promo airlines, daily browsing and buy the ticket months before.
Tips; try to searching at 1 am, they will show you the cheapest price sometimes.
2. Back to Budget-ing! Example, like what I did, all my tickets for my winter trip only $400 for 6 times flying from Atlanta - Denver - Utah - Las Vegas - Los Angeles - Chicago and Atlanta! Can I get more cheaper than that? No. I tried to checking again one week after I bought all the tickets and they're twice expensive!
Me, my host from couchsurfing beside me and some Cs'ers |
One of the benefit if you use Buses or Train, SELFIE TIME! LOL |
P.S: Avoid to buy a lot of souvenirs, it will make you overbudget or you can separate $100 to buy some merchandise for your friend or ask them to give you some money. LOL. Oh, it's about our culture.. That's okey..